By registering to this forum and posting in this website you are agreeing to and acknowledging the fact that you do not work for any State or Government position and are prohibited to post for the solicitation for prostitution. This website was designed to provide companionship only without any guarantee of any physical contact. Any phyisical contact is the decision between 2 consenting adults of legal age. is not affiliated with any of the Escort's nor are any of the members employed through and we will not be held liable for any actions made by the viewers/members through this website.
Rules to this website: 1) Be of legal age to view/read/submit a post in this forum. 2) Post in the appropriate section. Posting in the wrong sections can get you banned! You will get 1 warning then a ban! 3) Don't spam this forum or you will get banned, you will get 1 warning then a ban. 4) Posting anything "illegal" will get you an immediate ban.
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